Sunday, October 17, 2010

Midterm Reflections for the greatest class ever!

After studying 21st century media for the past eight weeks I have learned how complex media is. Through this class I have learned how to look at media and take in a deeper meaning about the content of the media. Also we have learned about the history of media and how it has evolved. In addition to that we have been learning how to use social networking wed sites like Facebook and Blogger and things that affect how they appeal to others.

Personally I believe that the most important thing I have taken from this class is the skill of stepping back and looking at a medium through a critical scope. Taking what is in front of you and gaining a deeper meaning of it. I find this very interesting and in a way fun.

I wouldn’t do anything different. I have tried to get everything I possibly could out of this class. Everything we do is interesting to me. I am an undecided comm. major and this is one of the classes that I am going to use to make my final decision on what my major is going to be.

Dr. Rob Williams shouldn’t change a thing in his media classes. The class is being presented in a way that I can really grasp. Also it is very engaging which is good for me because it keeps my attention.

The power tools are very helpful. The only thing I have to note is that we could have spent a little more time going over them in class before we implemented them. The course blog is a great idea it allows us to not only do our homework but it makes us use a medium to do it

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blogging here, Zach.

    So glad the course seems to be working for you!

    Bravo, and audeamus,

    Dr. W
