Saturday, October 30, 2010

Silly Billy {media meditation #4}

The other day i watched the movie Billy Madison. I have seen this movie so many times. Adam Sandler is one of my favorite actors he is hilarious. I laugh at all the same jokes and it just keeps getting funnier. "O'Doyle Rules!" hahaha. I personalty believe that this movie deserves a 10 out of 10.

The best part was the field trip. Billy makes peeing your pants sound cool so all of the kids in his class decide to do it. He did it to help a boy in the class because he peed his pants and was embarrassed. Doing this Billy's teacher a very attractive woman starts to like Billy. I recommend seeing this movie if you haven't and if you have watch it again!

1 comment:

  1. Good post here, Zach.

    Yo gotta give us more about why Adam Sandler is so bad-ass, dude.

    This analysis is a bit skinny, eh?

    Go for it,

    Dr. W
